At this time, our online subscription purchases are limited to PayPal transactions only. We're actively exploring other payment options, we're unable to provide a firm timeline for their integration.

Bank Transfer

Another payment option available is through a bank transfer. This involves transferring funds to an IBAN provided by us. It's important to emphasize that this method is accompanied by certain constraints and additional charges, including:

After understanding the information provided above, please contact us through one of our support channels. Share your module and subscription preferences, and we'll supply you with the relevant bank details and the precise amount needed for the transfer.

Once we receive confirmation of your transfer, we'll proceed to activate your requested yearly subscription. Please note that while it will appear as a monthly subscription, it will actually be a yearly subscription.

<aside> 💡 Note: The subscription applied is a unique monthly plan lasting 12 months. So, while you may still get monthly invoices, they'll show a total of $0.


More About Transfer Fees

The transfer amount varies depending on the "who pays the fees" options offered by your bank. Typically, banks provide options like "BEN", "OUR", "SHA", with some offering a "FULL OUR" option, which is what we require.

  1. OUR (sender pays all charges) In this type of remittance, the sender pays all charges, including those of the sending bank, intermediary banks, and the receiving bank. Therefore, the recipient will receive the full remittance amount without paying any charges.
  2. SHA (shared charges, sender pays sending bank's charges, and recipient pays receiving bank's charges) In this type of remittance, the sender pays the charges of the sending bank, while the recipient pays the charges of the receiving bank. The charges of intermediary banks will be shared by the sending and receiving banks. Therefore, the recipient will receive the remittance amount after deducting charges.
  3. BEN (beneficiary pays all charges) In this type of remittance, all charges will be borne by the recipient. The sender only needs to pay the remittance amount, and the charges will be deducted from the remittance amount. Therefore, the recipient will receive the remittance amount after deducting charges.